Wednesday, July 24, 2024

How Do I Join The Challenge?

How are we going to make a difference?  We are promoting a challenge where you can walk, run or jog to collate your distance and enter your achievement in your own personal data capture sheet.

How much will it cost to enter?  We are charging £15 to enter by donating to our go fund page to sign up here

How does this work?  Once you have signed up, mail your details to this email address who will send you your data capture sheet.  Once you receive the sheet you can either print or use it on a computer to enter your daily activity.  Select either 100, 250. 500, 750 or 1000miles to set your personal challenge distance, and you can start the challenge whenever you want and add your distance in KM starting at week1.  For anyone attempting 1000miles we advise you to try and complete  the challenge in a year.  When you Finish your challenge, send your sheet in and you will receive a medal for completing the challenge.  You can also purchase a challenge shirt for £18, which can be ordered from Gloucester Sports If you don’t want to do the challenge you can donate to the go fund page, or if you want to raise additional funds you can do this by asking friends, family and colleagues to sponsor you.

With your help and support, we can achieve our goal and make difference.  You can also benefit from taking on the challenge with your own health and wellbeing.  Either take on the challenge, share with someone who needs a challenge or wants to get active.

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